Gentle Birth Pregnancy and Birth Education - provides all facets of pregnancy, labour/birth and postnatal care independently or in collaboration with the hospital. Contact Rachael Austin [email protected]
Littoral, Cameroon |
Goals: Encourage safe motherhood, optimal motherbaby maternity, promote women's rights through the hospital system, seminars and education. Contact Kamichoum Julie Adjounke [email protected]
Valparaiso, Chile |
Puravidamadrebebe seeks to promote ICI´s 12 steps at every level possible so that it may be adopted accordingly and the population can benefit from this. At the organization/government entity level we wish to facilitate the process of getting acquainted and implementing ICI´s steps partially or fully. We work hard to educate the public and health workers surrounding the topic of mother baby friendly birth and participate in all efforts made at every level to bring forth change in every birth room. Our ultimate goal is to motivate society to take up this issue as one that is central to the advancement of society. Contact [email protected] and/or |
Lubumbashi-Katanga Province Democratic Republic Congo |
The DRC MBnet includes five NGO's: The Integrated Program of Health of Reproduction and Family (PISRF), Doctors Humanitarian Partners (MPH), and health facilities - Luizi Maternity, Mery Elmer Center, and Anglican Church Health Center. Contact Andre Shongo [email protected] |
Athens, Greece |
Maria Andreoulaki's MBnet will provide information and resources in Greek and other languages; introduce health professionals and maternity clinics to the IMBCI and make steps toward implementing the 10 Steps of the IMBCI; and create a network of volunteers to promote the goals of the MBnet.
Thessaloniki, Greece |
Goals: To sensitize people that have political power, to motivate public and private hospital managers to adopt the basic principles of the IMBCI. Contact Tania Anastasia Zotou [email protected]
Bangalore, India |
The Bangalore Birth Network provides information and education to women and their families that enhance their understanding of birth as a normal life process and enable them to make informed decisions; promotes safe, supported birth and evidence-based, MotherBaby care from pregnancy through postpartum; provides a forum for exchange through public events, educational seminars, online discussion groups and meetings; and promotes safe and supported birth, and whenever possible natural birth, among providers and health care institutions. Through these goals they hope to positively impact government policies and programs (such as provider training) with respect to obstetric services for women and newborns. Contact Nora Kropp [email protected].
Hyderabad, India |
The Healthy Mother Birthing Center primary goal is to effect a change movement in current birth practices in urban and semi-urban India by promoting awareness of natural birth among women and bringing about more transparency in the medical system through education, advocacy and leadership in providing maternity services based on the Midwifery Model of Care. Contact Dr. Vijaya Krishnan at [email protected] - visit
Kerala, India |
Birthvillage Natural Birthing Center offers natural childbirth and waterbirth, professional antenatal, postnatal, well woman and well baby care with a holistic approach in a warm and supportive setting. They believe in evidenced based practices and follow the international MotherBaby Childbirth Initiative (IMBCI). Their goal is to provide professional, individualized care to meet the needs of women and their families. Their vision and mission as an MBnet is to educate women and families, and to empower the local population to start opting for care that is defined by the 10 Steps of the IMBCI. Contact Priyanka Idicula.
Ubud, Mas, Bali, Indonesia |
Bumi Sehat practices optimal MotherBaby care, with superior outcomes, including a 100% Breastfeeding rate. We follow and teach all 10 Steps of the IMBCI. Because we believe that MotherBaby friendly Childbirth supports healthy families, functional societies and builds Peace on Earth.
Salmiya, Kuwait City, Kuwait |
BirthKuwait is an umbrella organization - a birth network dedicated to supporting mothers and professionals, and working to improve maternity care in Kuwait, through: Public Education; Providing access to professional resources and support groups; Professional networking; Advocating for evidence based-maternity care. Birthkuwait would like to inspire the formation similar organizations in the region. Contact Sarah Paksima [email protected] and visit their website
Mahajanga, Madagascar
San Cristobal, Cusco, Peru |
The Sarobidy Maternity Center seeks to empower women in Madagascar with truth, education and compassionate medical care during pregnancy, labor and birth and the postpartum and newborn period. The care provided by the Sarobidy Maternity Center is founded upon the IMBCI 10 Steps to provide Optimal MotherBaby Maternity Services. To learn more, visit
Conscious Maternity International / Maternidad Consciente Intl. goals include: Promote IMBCI in Cusco; connect to the international movement to improve maternity care worldwide; receive support from the IMBCI members on how to better promote the initiative in local hospitals and clinics. Contact Sunday Paucar and visit or
Dulag, Leyte, Philippines |
Mercy Mobile Maternity Disaster Relief exists to help the pregnant survivors of Typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda in the Philippines. They use the IMBCI 10 Steps because it is the optimal maternity care Gold Standard and can be implemented anywhere by anyone, even in temporary birthing tents sent up at ground zero of a disaster. Contact Vicki Penwell and visit
Tanauan, Leyte, Phillipines |
mission of the Cumpio Midwife Clinic is for all women to have access to optimal
maternal and infant healthcare with no cash payment from their patients,
regardless of their social status, religion and beliefs, recognizing it as a
crucial component for establishing a healthy functioning society. The midwives practice
essential elements of holistic birthing including treating all women with
respect and compassion as well as providing education concerning their health
and that of their child. At Cumpio births the midwives follow the IMBCI model
of Optimal Maternity Care as defined by the 10 Steps.
San Jose, Dulag, Leyte
Bumi Wadah Childbirth Manger is a service that was created after the super storm disaster in November 2013 where they began receiving babies in tents to the indigent women whose families lost everything. The Bumi Wadah Midwives in the heart of the Philippine disaster zone are happy and proud to provide the finest, skilled, hygienic, kind, MotherBaby Friendly care. They share their protocols, which adhere to the IMBCI 10 steps, with midwives in their region and beyond. They are involved in the Gentle Birth for the Philippines support group in Manila in the hope that Gentle MotherBaby Friendly Childbirth will soon be available for ALL.
Subic Bay, Philippines |
As a Christian faith-based community, Mercy Midwives Birthing Home is grounded out of their passion for serving this diverse community. All care is evidence-based and their standards are set by the International MotherBaby Childbirth Initiative (IMBCI). All care is free to all. Contact Vicki Penwell and visit
San Juan, Puerto Rico |
MBNet Puerto Rico (Red MadreBebé de Puerto Rico) organizations work at the academic, community and direct service levels. They aspire to create a structural and operational bond between the MBnet organizations and the global community in order to better promote the establishment of the International MotherBaby Childbirth Initiative in our country. As proactive health professionals with common goals and diverse skills in the services they strive to improve the maternal and child health statistics and the quality of life in our country. For more information email [email protected] or [email protected]. Visit
Bucharest, Romania |
As an IMBCO MBnet Asociatia Mame pentru Mame /Mothers for Mothers NGO and Alliance for Health Romania intend to change the paradigm of birth in Romania for the motherbaby as well as nationally. They plan to implement the Baby-friendly Hospital Initiative and programs that promote IMBCI’s 10 Steps to Optimal Maternity Care in order to address women’s right to have a safe and good birth experience. In addition to promoting updated prenatal and postnatal education, their advocacy and lobbying goals include: passing of the Code of Marketing Breastmilk Substitutes, lobbying for the completion of the midwifery practice law, and setting up the legal framework for safe homebirth. Contact Ana Maita. Visit
Kigali, Rwanda |
The Iranzi Clinic Birthing Center in Kigali, Rwanda provides full scope, respectful, holistic midwifery care and education in partnership with women and their families. Childbirth is a normal life process and is supported by using IMBCI standards. They value training and equipping health care workers and midwives to provide optimal care to families. They welcome Rwandan midwifery and nursing students to apply for clinical internships to enhance their understanding of normal birth support, to promote informed decision making by the mother, and to participate in the provision or quality, compassionate, evidence-based MotherBaby care throughout the childbearing year. The Birthing Center offers Helping Babies Breathe training and ALSO (Advanced Lifesaving in Obstetrics) as well as continuing education seminars, including doula care. They are implementing Helping Mothers Survive as well. They promote midwifery care as a gold standard for normal birth and believe in collaborative care across health care disciplines. In addition, they work in partnership with the Rwanda Ministry of Health to meet their goals to impact maternal and infant mortality. The Iranzi Clinic Birthing Center believes that IMBCI standards provide a framework for respectful maternity care that is unprecedented and they look forward to promoting IMBCI to impact policymakers and maternity care providers in Rwanda to better serve women and their newborns. Contact Jocelyn Jelsma.
Vizcaya, Spain |
Carmen Koetsenruijter's plans for Spain's MBnet include collaborating with organizations throughout Spain and to focus on changing the current situation with information, love and respect. Creating this MBnet is the first step in making this happen. To begin collaborating contact Carmen.
Istanbul, Turkey |
Hakan Çoker and his team have been working as natural birth advocates since 2006 through childbirth education and MotherBaby Friendly Natural Births. In 2010 they created Istanbul Birth Academy. Since than they have been working as advocates for the IMBCI and striving to implement its 10 Steps into their practice. To learn more about the Istanbul Birth Academy and Birth with No Regret Centers read their MBnet application here.
Caracas, Venezuela |
Auroramadre's goals include achieving better childbirth through activism, and to introduce the IMBCI to Venezuela. Visit Auroramadre's Facebook here.